"Shatter Me" is a science fiction about a girl named Juliette whose touch can literally kill. Juliette has been in a concrete room with just the smallest window to keep her sane for 264 days. She has's seen another human being in 264 days. Not that having someone in her cell would be a good thing. One touch could cause excruciating pain and even death, leaving Juliette to for ever long the touch of another human being. Then one day a boy is thrust into the cell, a boy that Juliette used to know. She thinks she can trust him even though he doesn't apear to remember the days when Juliette lived in the same town. He doesn't seem to remember the reason why Juliette was put in the cell. However everything changes when four soldiers rush into the room taking Juliette to a government compond were she will be forced to torture those who don't agree with The Reestablishment. An organization whose mission is to destroy every ounce of culture with in the human race.
The conflict in the story is that Juliette doesn't want to be the moster that "The Reestablishment" believes her to be. The leader who wants Juliette to be his, believes that if he can use Juliette's powers he could destroy the groups of people threatening "The Reestablishment". However Juliette has fallen in love with the boy she once thought feared her. Now she will do anything she can to escape the compound to live a normal life with the person she most loves, a person who her powers don't work on.
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